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RSS Torrents re-redux

05 Aug 2008 rss-torrents

I had a go at my own downloader. It’s available at

It matches patterns in an RSS feed. This lets you configure it for any RSS feed. Configuration is still a little hairy but it works so far.

What I’m still a little shaky about is the episode/date comparison. Users configure a regex to match the date/episode. That regex includes several groups, which are concatenated together. If they’re larger than the last download epi or date, the episode is considered new. So a show with S02E12 would likely have a regex “S(\d{2})E(\d{2})” which returns 02 and 12 as the groups. That show would be identified as 0212. The show I’m using has its dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, so I get shows identified as 20080804. This works reasonably well, but obviously won’t handle dates in other formats.

I like the elegance of treating episode numbers and dates the same. It shouldn’t be too hard to throw in a group order option. So a date in DD-MM-YYYY format would have a regex of “(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})” and an order of “3,2,1″. I just want to make sure this method works at all before imposing such an ugly config option.